--- title: "Quick start demonstration" author: "Tristan Mahr" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Quick start demonstration} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- ```{r, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE} library("rprime") library("knitr") opts_chunk$set( comment = "#>", error = FALSE, tidy = FALSE, collapse = TRUE) options(str = strOptions(vec.len = 2)) ``` **rprime** is an R package for parsing `.txt` generated by E-Prime, a program for running psychological experiments. Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main workflow for rprime involves: 1. `read_eprime`: reliably read in data from an Eprime log (`.txt`) file. 2. `FrameList`: extract the text in each `"LogFrame"` in the file, storing each log-frame as an R list. 3. `preview_levels`, `preview_eprime`: explore the structure of the parsed data. 4. `keep_levels`, `drop_levels`, `filter_in`, `filter_out`: select and filter particular levels from the txt-file. 5. `to_data_frame`: make a data-frame from the parsed data. Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To get the current, released version from CRAN: ```{r, eval = FALSE} install.packages("rprime") ``` Examples ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Getting data into R Load the file with `read_eprime` and parse its contents with `FrameList`. ```{r} library("rprime") # Read in an Eprime text file experiment_lines <- read_eprime("data/SAILS/SAILS_001X00XS1.txt") # Extract and parse the log-frames from the file experiment_data <- FrameList(experiment_lines) ``` ### Exploring In the text file, frames were distinguished by the procedure they are running as well as the their level of nesting. Get an overview of the different types of frames with `preview_levels`. ```{r} # There are six different kinds of frames in this file preview_levels(experiment_data) ``` Get a preview of the data in each kind of frame with `preview_frames`. ```{r} preview_frames(experiment_data) ``` `preview_eprime` (not demonstrated here) does both kinds of previews (levels and frames). ### Filtering Use `keep_levels` and `drop_levels` to filter frames according to nesting level. ```{r} # Filter (out) by depth of nesting not_level_1 <- drop_levels(experiment_data, 1) preview_levels(not_level_1) # Filter (in) by depth of nesting just_level_3 <- keep_levels(experiment_data, 3) preview_levels(just_level_3) ``` Use `filter_in` and `filter_out` to filter frames using attribute values. Use repeated filtering statements to drill down into the list of frames. ```{r} # Filter (out) by attribute values no_header <- filter_out(experiment_data, "Running", values = "Header") preview_levels(no_header) # Filter (in) by attribute values not_practice <- filter_in(experiment_data, "Running", "TrialLists") preview_levels(not_practice) # Drill down further into the trials by filtering again sue_trials <- filter_in(not_practice, "Module", "SUE") preview_eprime(sue_trials) ``` ### Exporting Convert to a dataframe with `to_dataframe`. Attribute names in the log-frames become column names in the dataframe. ```{r} # Export to dataframe sue_trials_df <- to_data_frame(sue_trials) str(sue_trials_df) # Don't need every column columns_to_keep <- c("Eprime.Basename", "Module", "Sample", "Correct", "Response") sue_trials_df <- sue_trials_df[columns_to_keep] head(sue_trials_df) ``` **Note**: rprime thinks that all the values in the final dataframe are character values. You can use `type_convert` in the readr package to correct the column types: ```{r} # Right now the sample numbers are stored as character values str(sue_trials_df) library("readr") sue_trials_df <- type_convert(sue_trials_df) # Now, they are stored as integers... str(sue_trials_df) ```